Friday, December 15, 2006 is a featured search this month was nominated as the “Featured Search Engine” for the month of December on Internet Marketing Monitor. As the site says, “Most search engines help people find websites. Sure… we use them to find information. But, for the most part, we're looking for sources of knowledge when we use a search engine.” That’s where steps in. “Unlike a lot of other search engines, doesn't point users to the information… it brings the information to you.”

Investor Ashkan Karbasfrooshan reiterated again on Seeking Alpha that he has a soft spot for, and will continue to hold his shares in the stock. You can see what he originally wrote about on Nov, 8. on his blog at

And of course, provided the relevant, authoritative information that journalists depend on when piecing their stories together. This week, supplied information on proper ping-pong ball grips, the history of hockey, and when the peanut butter and jelly sandwich was first referenced in print. A marketer for also gave credit in a press release for helping define the word “savings” — something in scant supply at the holiday season.

blufr got another nod of approval from the education and reference folks this week. The Essex Library Association in Connecticut linked the game on their site, calling it “a trivia quiz to help pass the time during a slow moment with Uncle Homer and Aunt Millie til the next wave of turkey gravy is ready.”

Tech programmer, Ravishankar Shrivastava, likes blufr so much he actually posted the code so readers could add it to their own site … way!

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